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- FACITtrans Team
Providing a voice for patients worldwide for over 25 years. FACITtrans History OVER 25 YEARS OF GROUND-BREAKING COA TRANSLATIONS FACITtrans Team PROVIDING A VOICE FOR PATIENTS WORLDWIDE FOR OVER 25 YEARS Lauren Lent, DHA, MS President BIO Benjamin Arnold, MA Executive Director BIO Abigail Boucher, BA Senior COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences, PROMIS® Lead BIO Jason Bredle, MFA Director, BIO Paul Cella, PhD COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences BIO Scott Debb, MA, EdD Report Writer - Life Sciences, Research Data Protection Officer (RDPO) BIO Bob Guillen, BA Senior COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences, Account Manager BIO Tamara Herzberg, MBA Strategic Initiatives and Vendor Management Lead – Life Sciences BIO Mònica Jover, MA COA Translations Manager – Life Sciences BIO Rouida Khatab, MSc COA Translations Manager – Life Sciences Vendor Management Specialist BIO Neil Ludwig, BA Report Writer - Life Sciences, Translation Technology Specialist BIO Hara Marks, MSJ Chief Quality Officer, Report Writer - Life Sciences BIO Edit Nagy, MA COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences BIO Gabriella Nagy, PhD COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences BIO Alain Nguyen, MA COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences BIO Emily Parks-Vernizzi, MBA Director BIO Bárbara Pérez, MA Senior COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences, Translation Technology Lead BIO Luke Pickard, MBA Director of IT, Data Protection Officer (IT DPO) BIO María Rodríguez, MA COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences BIO Shannon Romo Financial Manager BIO Lillian Savic, BA Senior COA Translations Manager - Life Sciences, Account Manager, C-Path Lead BIO FACITtrans is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 certified. Our History Over 25 years of methodologically rigorous COA translations. LEARN MORE Our Vision, Mission, and Values At FACIT, our passion is the patient. Our mission is to provide a voice for patients worldwide. LEARN MORE
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NFHNSI-22 National Comprehensive Cancer Network/Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Head & Neck Cancer Symptom Index - 22 Item Version For patients with Head & Neck cancer; a FACT/NCCN-Head & Neck Symptom Index LICENSE THIS MEASURE Overview Language Availability Licensing Selected References Related Measures Overview Overview The NCCN/FACT Head & Neck Cancer Symptom Index-22 (NFHNSI-22) adequately reflects symptom and side effect concerns of advanced head & neck cancer patients as well as oncology physicians. Patients (N = 49) with advanced (Stages III and IV) head & neck cancers were recruited from participating National Comprehensive Cancer Network institutions and community cancer support organizations. Patients completed open-ended interviews and symptom checklists. Participating oncology physician experts also rated symptoms. Content validity was obtained by evaluating results alongside items in the FACIT system. Eleven oncologists categorized symptoms in terms of importance and whether the symptoms were primarily related to disease, treatment, or functional well-being. The NFHNSI-22 can be used to evaluate the most important disease-related symptoms, treatment side effects, and function/wellbeing in patients with advanced HCNs in clinical practice and research. MEASURE NAME: National Comprehensive Cancer Network/Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Head & Neck Cancer Symptom Index - 22 Item Version (NFHNSI-22) VERSION: 2 NUMBER OF ITEMS: 22 PATIENT POPULATION: Head & neck cancer patients 18 years and older RECALL PERIOD: Past 7 days RESPONSE SCALE: 5 point Likert-type scale DATA COLLECTION: Paper and electronic ADMINISTRATION: Self-administration and interview when applicable SUBSCALE DOMAINS: Disease-Related Symptoms – Physical, Disease-Related Symptoms – Emotional, Treatment Side Effects, Function/Well-Being TIME FOR COMPLETION: 5-10 minutes SCORING: Manual scoring template, some items are reverse scored. Subscale scores and total scores possible. RELATED MEASURES: FACT-HN , FHNSI , FACT-G DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING DOCUMENT Language Availability Available translations of the NFHNSI-22 can be obtained by registering for permission. Users are not permitted to translate the NFHNSI-22 without permission from Permission from to translate the NFHNSI-22 may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and availability of FACIT staff. Translations must undergo a rigorous methodology under the guidance of which includes multiple translators, QA steps and cognitive interviews with patients. For commercial use, FACITtrans is the approved translation vendor to translate the FACIT measurement system. Please contact us for more information. VIEW AVAILABLE LANGUAGES Language Availability Licensing Licensing Licensing fees are assessed on a per trial/per measure basis for commercial use. There is no fee for use of the English version, but a license should be obtained. Non-commercial use is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Licensing fees are typically not applied to investigator-initiated research, students, or clinical use. To license an available version of this measure for commercial or non-commercial use, please complete our registration form . All of the information provided in the form will be kept strictly confidential. For questions, please contact us . LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Cella, D., Paul, D., Yount, S., Winn, R., Chang, C-H, Banik, D., & Weeks, J. What are the most important symptom targets when treating advanced cancer? A survey of providers in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Cancer Investigation 2003; 21(4): 526-535. doi: 10.108/CNV-120022366. Cella, D., Rosenbloom, S., Beaumont, J., Yount, J., Paul, D., Hampton, D., Abernethy, A., Jacobsen, P., Syrjala, K., & Von Roenn, J. Development and validation of 11 symptom indexes to evaluate response to chemotherapy for advanced cancer. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network; 2011; 9(3): 268-278. doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2011.0026. Pearman, T., Beaumont, J., Paul, D., Abernethy, A., Jacobsen, P., Syrjala, K., von Roenn, J., & Cella, D. Evaluation of treatment and disease-related symptoms in advanced head and neck cancer: validation of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Head and Neck cancer symptom index (NFHNSI-22). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2013; 46(1): 113-120. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2012.06.004. Rosenbloom, S., Yount, S., Yost, K., Hampton, D., Paul, D., Abernethy, A., Jacobsen, P., Syrjala, K., Von Roenn, J., Cella, D. Development and validation of eleven symptom indices to evaluate response to chemotherapy for advanced cancer: Measurement compliance with regulatory demands. Farquhar, I., Summers, K., Sorkin, A. (Eds.). The Value of Innovation: Impacts on Health, Life Quality and Regulatory Research. Emerald Group Publishing Inc. 2007; 16: 53-66. doi: 10.1016/S0194-3960(08)16003-6. Bonomi, A.E., Cella, D.D., Hahn, E.A., Bjordal, K., Sperner, B., Gangeri, L., Bergman, B., Willems, J., Hanquet, P., & Zittoun, R. Multilingual translation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) quality of life measurement system. Quality of Life Research 1996; 5: 309-320. Eremenco, S., Arnold, B., Cella, D. A comprehensive method for the translation and cross-cultural validation of health status questionnaires. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 212-232. Webster K., Cella D., Yost K. The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) measurement system: Properties applications, and interpretation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003; 1(1): 79-85. Yost K.J., Eton D.T. Combining distribution- and anchor-based approaches to determine minimally important differences: The FACIT experience. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 172-191. LICENSE THIS MEASURE Related Measures Related Measures FACT-HN Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Head & Neck LEARN MORE FHNSI Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Head & Neck Cancer Symptom Index - 10 Item Version LEARN MORE FACT-G Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General LEARN MORE
FACT-Bl Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Bladder For patients with Bladder cancer LICENSE THIS MEASURE Overview Language Availability Licensing Selected References Related Measures Overview Overview The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Bladder (FACT-Bl), is a 39 item instrument developed to measure five domains in bladder cancer patients: Physical, social, emotional, functional well-being, and a bladder cancer subscale. Recent validation with 182 patients with advanced urothelial cancer demonstrated its validity for use in clinical trials. Data were collected as part of a multicenter, open-label study of durvalumab in patients with inoperable or metastatic solid tumors. Psychometric properties evaluated include item and subscale characteristics (including correlation analysis), reliability (estimated using Cronbach’s alpha), validity (by independent sample t test), responsiveness (using mixed models with repeated measures), and clinically meaningful changes using both anchor-based and distribution-based methods. The psychometric properties of the existing established scales were assessed and found to range from acceptable to very good. The FACT-Bl subscale and total scores were responsive to changes in bladder cancer symptom severity, clinically meaningful changes in FACT-Bl scores were estimated, and the results support its use with bladder cancer patients. MEASURE NAME: Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Bladder (FACT-Bl) VERSION: 4 NUMBER OF ITEMS: 39 PATIENT POPULATION: Bladder cancer patients 18 years and older RECALL PERIOD: Past 7 days RESPONSE SCALE: 5 point Likert-type scale DATA COLLECTION: Paper and electronic ADMINISTRATION: Self-administration and interview when applicable SUBSCALE DOMAINS: Physical Well-Being, Social/Family Well-Being, Emotional Well-Being, Functional Well-Being, Bladder Cancer Subscale TIME FOR COMPLETION: 10-15 minutes SCORING: Manual scoring template, some items are reverse scored. Subscale scores, total scores and TOI possible. SAS/SPSS algorithms available. RELATED MEASURES: FBlSI , NFBlSI-18 , FACT-Bl-Cys DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING DOCUMENT Language Availability Available translations of the FACT-Bl can be obtained by registering for permission. Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-Bl without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-Bl may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and availability of FACIT staff. Translations must undergo a rigorous methodology under the guidance of which includes multiple translators, QA steps and cognitive interviews with patients. For commercial use, FACITtrans is the approved translation vendor to translate the FACIT measurement system. Please contact us for more information. VIEW AVAILABLE LANGUAGES Language Availability Licensing Licensing Licensing fees are assessed on a per trial/per measure basis for commercial use. There is no fee for use of the English version, but a license should be obtained. Non-commercial use is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Licensing fees are typically not applied to investigator-initiated research, students, or clinical use. To license an available version of this measure for commercial or non-commercial use, please complete our registration form . All of the information provided in the form will be kept strictly confidential. For questions, please contact us . LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Degboe A., Ivanescu C., Rohay J.M., Turner R.R., Cella D. Validity and performance of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Bladder (FACT-Bl) among advanced urothelial cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer 2019. Bonomi, A.E., Cella, D.D., Hahn, E.A., Bjordal, K., Sperner, B., Gangeri, L., Bergman, B., Willems, J., Hanquet, P., & Zittoun, R. Multilingual translation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) quality of life measurement system. Quality of Life Research 1996; 5: 309-320. Botteman M.F., Pashos C.L., Hauser R.S., Laskin B.L., Redaelli A. Quality of life aspects of bladder cancer: A review of the literature. Quality of Life Research 2003; 12: 675-688. Eremenco, S., Arnold, B., Cella, D. A comprehensive method for the translation and cross-cultural validation of health status questionnaires. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 212-232. Karvinen K.H., Courneya K.S., North S., Venner P. Associations between exercise and quality of life in bladder cancer survivors: A population-based study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2007; 16(5): 984-990. Webster K., Cella D., Yost K. The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) measurement system: Properties applications, and interpretation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003; 1(1): 79-85. Yost K.J., Eton D.T. Combining distribution- and anchor-based approaches to determine minimally important differences: The FACIT experience. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 172-191. LICENSE THIS MEASURE Related Measures Related Measures FBlSI Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Bladder Cancer Symptom Index - 7 Item Version LEARN MORE NFBlSI-18 National Comprehensive Cancer Network/Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Bladder Symptom Index LEARN MORE FACT-Bl-Cys Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Bladder – Cystectomy LEARN MORE
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- FACIT-Sp-12
FACIT-Sp-12 Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being 12 Item Scale The 12-item Spiritual Well-Being Scale LICENSE THIS MEASURE Overview Language Availability Licensing Selected References Related Measures Overview Overview Below are the details for the FACIT-Sp-12 measure: MEASURE NAME: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being 12 Item Scale (FACIT-Sp-12) VERSION: 4 NUMBER OF ITEMS: 12 PATIENT POPULATION: Patients 18 years and older RECALL PERIOD: Past 7 days RESPONSE SCALE: 5 point Likert-type scale DATA COLLECTION: Paper and electronic ADMINISTRATION: Self-administration and interview when applicable SUBSCALE DOMAINS: Spiritual Well-Being, Meaning, Peace, Faith TIME FOR COMPLETION: Less than 5 minutes SCORING: Manual scoring template, some items are reverse scored. Subscale scores and total scores possible. SAS/SPSS algorithms available. RELATED MEASURES: FACIT-Sp , FACIT-Sp-Ex , FACIT-Pal DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING DOCUMENT Language Availability Available translations of the FACIT-Sp-12 can be obtained by registering for permission. Users are not permitted to translate the FACIT-Sp-12 without permission from Permission from to translate the FACIT-Sp-12 may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and availability of FACIT staff. Translations must undergo a rigorous methodology under the guidance of which includes multiple translators, QA steps and cognitive interviews with patients. For commercial use, FACITtrans is the approved translation vendor to translate the FACIT measurement system. Please contact us for more information. VIEW AVAILABLE LANGUAGES Language Availability Licensing Licensing Licensing fees are assessed on a per trial/per measure basis for commercial use. There is no fee for use of the English version, but a license should be obtained. Non-commercial use is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Licensing fees are typically not applied to investigator-initiated research, students, or clinical use. To license an available version of this measure for commercial or non-commercial use, please complete our registration form . All of the information provided in the form will be kept strictly confidential. For questions, please contact us . LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Bormann, J., Aschbacher, K., Wetherell, J., Roesch, S., & Redwine., L. Effects of faith/assurance on cortisol levels are enhanced by a spiritual mantram intervention in adults with HIV: A randomized trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2009; 66: 161–171. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2008.09.017. Bormann, J., Gifford, A., Shively, M., Smith, T., Redwine, L., Kelly, A., Becker, S., Gershwin, M., Bone, P., & Belding, W. Effects of Spiritual Mantram Repetition on HIV Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2006; 29(4): 359-376. doi: 10.1007/s10865-006-9063-6. Brady, M.J., Peterman, A.H., Fitchett, G., Mo, M., & Cella, D. A case for including spirituality in quality of life measurement in oncology. Psycho-Oncology 1999; 8: 417-428. Bredle, J., Salsman, J., Debb, S., Arnold, B., & Cella, D. Spiritual Well-Being as a component of health-related quality of life: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—spiritual well-being scale (FACIT-Sp). Religions 2011; 2(1): 77-94. doi: 10.3390/rel2010077. Canada, A, Murphy, P., Fitchett, G., Peterman, A., & Schover, L. A 3-factor model for the FACIT-Sp. Psycho-Oncology 2008; 17: 908–916. doi: 10.1002/pon.1307. Cotton, S., Levine, E., Fitzpatrick, C., Dold, K, & Targ, E. Exploring the relationships among spiritual well-being, quality of life, and psychological adjustment in women with breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology 1999; 8: 429–438. Dapueto, J., Servente, L., Francolino, C., & Hahn, E. Determinants of Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer: A South American Study. Cancer 2005; 103(5): 1072-1081. doi: 10.1002/cncr.20870. Edmondson, D., Park, C., Blank, T., Fenster, J., & Mills, M. Deconstructing spiritual well-being: existential well-being and HRQOL in cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology 2008; 17: 161–169. doi: 10.1002/pon.1197. Fradelos, E., Tzavella, F., Koukia, E., Tsaras, K., Papathanasiou, I., Aroni, A., Alikari, V., Ralli, M., Bredle, J., & Zyga1, S. The translation, validation and cultural adaptation of functional assessment of chronic illness therapy – spiritual well-being 12 (FACIT-SP12) scale in Greek language. Mater Sociomed 2016; 28(3): 229-234. doi: 10.5455/msm.2016.28.229-234. Jarafi, N., Zamani, A., Lazenby, M., Farajzadegan, Z., Emami, H., & Loghmani, A. Translation and validation of the Persian version of the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—Spiritual well-being scale (FACIT-Sp) among Muslim Iranians in treatment for cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care 2013; 11: 29–35. doi:10.1017/S1478951512000727. Kahraman, B.N., Pehlivan, S. The effect of spiritual well-being on illness perception of lung cancer patıents. Support Care Cancer 31 , 107 (2023). Krupski, T., Kwan, L., Fink, A., Sonn, G., Maliski, S., & Litwin, M. Spirituality Influences Health Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2006; 15: 121–131. doi: 10.1002/pon.929. Lazenby, M., Khatib, J., 2, Al-Khair, F., & Neamat, M. Psychometric properties of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Spiritual Well-being (FACIT-Sp) in an Arabic-speaking, predominantly Muslim population. Psycho-Oncology 2011; 22(1): 220-227. doi: 10.1002/pon.2062. McClain, C., Rosenfeld, B., & Breitbart, W. Effect of spiritual well-being on end-of-life despair in terminally-ill cancer patients. The Lancet 2003; 361: 1603-1607. McClain-Jacobson, C., Rosenfeld, B., Rosenfeld, B., Kosinski, A., Pessin, H., Cimino, J., & Breitbart, W. Belief in an afterlife, spiritual well-being and end-of-life despair in patients with advanced cancer. General Hospital Psychiatry 2004; 26: 484-486. doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych. Machul M, Bredle J, Jurek K, Dobrowolska B. Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the FACIT-Sp-12: Assessing Spiritual Well-Being Among Patients with Chronic Diseases. Med Sci Monit. 2023 Nov 16;29:e941769. doi: 10.12659/MSM.941769. PMID: 37968895; PMCID: PMC10662162. Morgan, P., Gaston-Johansson, F., & Mock, V. Spiritual Well-Being, Religious Coping, and the Quality of Life of African American Breast Cancer Treatment: A Pilot Study. The ABNF Journal 2006; 73-77. Murphy, P., Canada, A., Fitchett, G., Stein, K., Portier, K., Crammer, C., & Peterman, A. An examination of the 3-factor model and structural invariance across racial/ethnic groups for the FACIT-Sp: a report from the American Cancer Society’s Study of Cancer Survivors-II (SCS-II). Psycho-Oncology 2010; 19: 264–272. doi: 10.1002/pon.1559. Perkins, E., Small, B., Balducci, L., Extermann, M., Robb, C., & Haley, W. Individual differences in well-being in older breast cancer survivors. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2007; 62: 74-83. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2006.11.002. Peterman, A., Fitchett, G., Brady, M., & Hernandez, L. Measuring Spiritual Well-Being in People With Cancer: The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp). Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2002; 24(1):49–58. Rodin, G., Zimmermann, C., Rydall, A., Jones, J., Shepherd, A., Moore, M., Fruh, M., Donner, A., Gagliese, L. The Desire for Hastened Death in Patients with Metastatic Cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2007; 33(6): 661-674. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman. Rodin, G., Lo, C., Mikulincer, M., Donner, A., Gagliese, L., & Zimmermann, C. Pathways to distress: The multiple determinants of depression, hopelessness, and the desire for hasted death in metastatic cancer patients. Social Science & Medicine 2008; 68: 562–569. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed. Schnoll, R., Harlow, L., & Brower, L. Spirituality, Demographic, and Disease Factors, and Adjustment to Cancer. Cancer Practice 2000; 8(6): 298-304. Stefanek, M., McDonald, P., & Hess, S. Religion, Spirituality and Cancer: Current Status and Methodological Challenges. Psycho-Oncology 2005; 14: 450–463. doi: 10.1002/pon.861. Stojković, S. & Prlić, N. Effect of faith on the acceptance of chronic disease patients. South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal 2012; 2(1): 52-61. Tate, D. & Forchheimer, M. Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction, and Spirituality: Comparing Outcomes Between Rehabilitation and Cancer Patients. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2002; 81(6): 400-410. Trevino, K., Pargament, K., Cotton, S., Leonard. A., Hahn, J., Caprini-Faigin, C., & Tsevat, J. Religious Coping and Physiological, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Outcomes in Patients with HIV/AIDS: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Findings. AIDS and Behavior 2010; 14: 379-389. doi: 10.1007/s10461-007-9332-6. Visser, A., Garssen, B., & Vingerhoets, A. Spirituality and well-being in cancer patients: a review. Psycho-Oncology 2010; 19: 565–572. doi: 10.1002/pon. Zavala, M., Maliski, S., Kwan, L., Fink, A., & Litwin, M. Spirituality and quality of life in low-income men with metastatic prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2009; 18: 753–761. doi: 10.1002/pon.1460. Bonomi, A.E., Cella, D.D., Hahn, E.A., Bjordal, K., Sperner, B., Gangeri, L., Bergman, B., Willems, J., Hanquet, P., & Zittoun, R. Multilingual translation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) quality of life measurement system. Quality of Life Research 1996; 5: 309-320. Eremenco, S., Arnold, B., Cella, D. A comprehensive method for the translation and cross-cultural validation of health status questionnaires. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 212-232. Webster K., Cella D., Yost K. The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) measurement system: Properties applications, and interpretation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003; 1(1): 79-85. Yost K.J., Eton D.T. Combining distribution- and anchor-based approaches to determine minimally important differences: The FACIT experience. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005; 28(2): 172-191. LICENSE THIS MEASURE Related Measures Related Measures FACT-Sp Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being LEARN MORE FACIT-Sp-Ex Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being Expanded Version LEARN MORE FACIT-Pal Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Palliative Care LEARN MORE
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