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496 items found for "pedsFACIT-F"
FACT-P Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Prostate For patients with Prostate cancer LICENSE THIS Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-P without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-P may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and Esper, P., Mo, F., Chodak, G., Sinner, M., Cella, D., & Pienta, K.J. Saad, F., Cella, D., Basch, E., Hadaschik, B., Mainwaring, P., Oudard, S., Graff, J., McQuarrie, K.,
FACT-B Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Breast For patients with Breast cancer LICENSE THIS Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-B without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-B may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Brady M.J., Cella D.F., Mo F., Bonomi A.E Ursini LA, Nuzzo M, Rosa C, DI Guglielmo FC, DI Tommaso M, Trignani M, Borgia M, Allajbej A, Patani F
FACT-MBIS FACT/McGill Body Image Scale – Head & Neck (FACT-MBIS) For patients with head & neck cancer MEASURE NAME: FACT/McGill Body Image Scale – Head & Neck (FACT-MBIS) VERSION: 1 NUMBER OF ITEMS: 21 PATIENT Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-MBIS without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-MBIS may also be contingent upon timeline expectations ., De Simone A., Chiocchio F., MacDonald C., Black M., Zeitouni A., Hier M., Kost K., Mlynarek A., Bolster-Foucault
FAMS Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis LICENSE THIS MEASURE Overview Language Availability RELATED MEASURES: FAHI , FACIT-Dyspnea , FACIT-TB DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING DOCUMENT Users are not permitted to translate the FAMS without permission from Permission from to translate the FAMS may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and D.F., Dineen, K., Arnason, B., Reder, A., Webster, K.A., Karabatsos, G., Chang, C., Lloyd, S., Mo, F.
, and support from family and friends. , Sleep, Work, Worry about worsening health, Sadness, Support from family and friends TIME FOR COMPLETION Availability Utilities can be scored from any available FACT-G language version using the FACT-8D scoring References King MT, Norman R, Mercieca-Bebber R, Costa DSJ, McTaggart-Cowan H, Peacock S, Janda M, Müller F, Derived From the Cancer-Specific FACT-General (FACT-G) Quality of Life Questionnaire: Development and
FAHI Functional Assessment of HIV Infection LICENSE THIS MEASURE Overview Language Availability Licensing RELATED MEASURES: FAMS , FACIT-Dyspnea , FACIT-TB DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING DOCUMENT Users are not permitted to translate the FAHI without permission from Permission from to translate the FAHI may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and Peterman, A.H., Cella, D., Mo, F., & McCain, N.
FACT-EGFRI-18 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibitors 18 Item Version RELATED MEASURES: FACT-Taxane , FACT/GOG-NTX , FACIT-AI DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-EGFRI-18 without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-EGFRI-18 may also be contingent upon timeline expectations Wagner, L., Berg, S., Gandhi, M., Hlubocky, F., Webster, K., Aneja, M., Cella, D., & Lacouture, M.
FBSI FACT Breast Symptom Index For patients with Breast cancer; A FACT-Breast Symptom Index (a subset RELATED MEASURES: FACT-B , NCCN/FACT FBSI-16 , FACT-B+4 DOWNLOAD MEASURE IN ENGLISH DOWNLOAD SCORING Users are not permitted to translate the FBSI without permission from Permission from to translate the FBSI may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Brady M.J., Cella D.F., Mo F., Bonomi A.E
FACT-C Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Colorectal For patients with Colorectal cancer LICENSE The FACT-C has also been found to be sensitive to changes in functional status and the colorectal cancer-specific Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-C without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-C may also be contingent upon timeline expectations and Ward, W., Hahn, E., Mo, F., Hernandez, L., Tulsky, D., & Cella, D.
FACT-CSI and FACT-NET Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Carcinoid Syndrome Symptom Index For FACT-NET VERSION: 4 NUMBER OF ITEMS: FACT-CSI - 24 items FACT-GINET - 18 items FACT-GINET + CSI - 29 items FACT-LNET - 17 items FACT-LNET + CSI - 30 items FACT-PNET - 19 items FACT-PNET + CSI - 29 items Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-CSI without permission from M, Marteau F, Cella D: Development of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Carcinoid Syndrome
- Interpretation
Morel, F. Eustache, F. Joly, and B. -F. F. a. D. F. a. D. F.
- FACT-Lym
FACT-Lym Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Lymphoma For patients with Lymphoma (NHL) LICENSE Users are not permitted to translate the FACT-Lym without permission from Permission from to translate the FACT-Lym may also be contingent upon timeline expectations LICENSE THIS MEASURE Selected References Selected References Hlubocky, F., Webster, K., Cashy, J., Beaumont Hlubocky, F., Webster, K., Beaumont, J., Cashy, J., Paul, D., Abernathy, A., Syrjala, K., Von Roenn,